
Through vigourous 学习 and robust engagement with the world, RWU students are empowered to pursue globalized professional opportunities, 具有全球意识的公民参与, 终身全球学习.

As the Spiegel Center continues to monitor global conditions for health and safety factor’s we recognize the status of any study abroad program may be impacted by local conditions especially in-light of ongoing challenges caused by COVID-19. 我们将根据需要继续沟通更新.

Here is the current status of 出国留学 operations, by term.


我们将继续监测全球旅行警告, final program status decisions for May programs will be made towards the end of February.  Students who have applied will be updated regularly with program updates. Programs that are scheduled for July/August continue to be monitored and decisions will be finalized in late March.

有三个节目列在 留学门户网站 目前正在接受申请. 这些项目包括:


We continue moving ahead with Fall 2021 program applications and are encouraging interested students to complete Fall 2021 study abroad applications. 的 截止日期是3月1日 你可以参观 留学门户网站 开始这个过程. Of course we will continue monitoring global travel advisories and will determine the program status accordingly.    


We want students to continue to work with the Spiegel Center so we can provide as much study abroad advising as possible. 我们鼓励学生远程与我们联系, 通过电子邮件或Zoom电话, in-person meetings can be arranged on an appointment basis. 我们的通用电子邮件地址是 scgip@chcmarketplace.com.

Please follow the guidance below to set up advising sessions as needed:

  • 短期项目建议: 请给Becky Denson发邮件 rdenson@chcmarketplace.com to seek any information you need related to short-term, faculty-led programs.  If you would like to set up an advising meeting via Zoom, you can also email Becky.
  • 2021年秋季课程建议: For any student who is interested in a semester study abroad experience, 请与凯文·海登联系 khayden@chcmarketplace.com. Whether you are planning to study abroad in Spring 2022 or finalizing Fall 2021 application, you should reach out via email to set up advising meetings via Zoom. 如上所述, 任何你想安排的面对面会面, 请给凯文·海登发邮件预约.
    • 留学公开课:每周五下午2点到4点在美国,明镜中心(Spiegel Center)通过Zoom call举办了一场公开会议.  This session allows students to connect with the Spiegel Center and ask any questions they may have.
    • 会议信息:请浏览 RWU出国留学门户网站 查询时间表及资料.

We encourage all students who are interested in 学习 more about the study abroad process or need assistance in finalizing plans to please contact us as soon as possible.  

的 明镜全球和国际项目中心 administers long term study abroad programming, supports faculty in their work conducting short term study abroad and overseas experiential education, and fosters global 学习 and engagement across the university.  

在RWU, 全球和国际知识, 技能, and engagement opportunities are incorporated into course experiences, 无论是在课堂内还是课堂外.  Courses combine with a wide array of co-curricular programs to broaden horizons, 促进跨国界接触, 加深对复杂的全球挑战的理解, and introduce students to global practitioners in diverse fields.  

RWU global and international 学习 and engagement programs equip students to:

  • Increase knowledge of global issues, cultures, and systems
  • Expand awareness and understanding of global perspectives
  • Develop 技能 of inquiry and critical thinking in global context
  • 利用全球知识和技能来解决问题
  • 应用 学习 to real world community and professional challenges
  • 培养参与全球事务的途径和习惯

的 明镜全球和国际项目中心 is located in the Center for Global and Community Engagement, 俗称“农舍”,在RWU的布里斯托尔校区下议院对面.  Students interested in study abroad are encouraged to stop by, explore materials about the many programs offered around the globe; meet with staff about study abroad possibilities and planning; and explore how to best take advantage of the many global and international opportunities of Roger Williams University.  办公时间是周一至周五8:30-4:30.  
